How to Call Philippines - Calling Philippines From Canada and USA.
- Given below is the calling process to call Philippines from Canada and USA. Find
information about how to call Philippines from Canada and USA to landline or mobile
phone number.
- To make a direct call to Philippines from Canada and USA follow the international
calling format given below. The calling process is same for calling Philippines
mobile or landline from Canada and USA.
Make a call from Canada and USA to Philippines.
- 011 - Exit code for Canada and USA and is needed for making any international call.
- 63 - ISD Code or Country Code of Philippines.
- Area code - Dial area code of the city in Philippines you are calling after dialing
ISD Code. If there is no area code dial the Recipient's Telephone Number after ISD
Phone Codes in Philippines
Philippines country code & Philippines phone codes
Philippines country Code: 63
To call Philippines from Canada and USA, dial:
011 - 63 - Area Code - Landline Number.
011 - 63 - Mobile Number.
Ex - 011-63-011-12345678
Ex - 011-63-9912345678
Select place name to find area code
Shown below are all of the Philippines phone codes
you may need.

How to call other countries